The maid who worked at Saif Ali Khan’s house has revealed a shocking truth about the dangerous incident that took place that night when an assailant broke into the actor’s house. Before attacking actor Saif, the thief demanded Rs 1 crore. The actor’s maid has now given complete information about the incident.
Saif Ali Khan was stabbed six times by an armed intruder at his home in Mumbai on Thursday. Saif was later admitted to Lilavati Hospital in a critical condition. Earlier, a photograph and CCTV footage of the alleged attacker of Kareena Kapoor’s husband Saif had surfaced. Now, a maid who worked at Saif and Kareena’s house has revealed a shocking truth to the Mumbai Police about how an intruder entered their home and started demanding money, after which she and the actor were attacked.
According to the First Information Report (FIR), accessed by TOI, the attack took place around 2 am when the family and staff were sleeping. Eliyama Philip, a 56-year-old nurse working at the residence, shared details of the incident.
She described the intruder as a man in his 30s, slim and dark-complexioned. She claimed that he “entered the bedroom where Saif Ali Khan’s son Jeh was sleeping”. The nurse claimed that the attacker was armed with a stick and a sharp blade. He demanded Rs 1 crore from her. When she refused, he attacked her, causing injuries to her wrists and hands.
The nurse described the horrifying incident in which the robber’s actions escalated rapidly, leaving both her and the actor in a state of shock. Police are investigating the incident and gathering all relevant information to bring the attacker to justice.
In a brave attempt to protect his family, Saif Ali Khan confronted the intruder but was injured in the process. He suffered cuts to his neck, shoulder, back and wrist. Geeta, another employee, was also injured while trying to help.