In the case of the murderous attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, Mumbai Police is trying to catch the attacker but so far the police have come up empty handed. However, a new revelation has come to light during the investigation. According to the report, the suspect who attacked had allegedly changed his clothes to avoid getting caught and he kept roaming around near Bandra Police Station till 8 am.
In the case of the deadly attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, Mumbai Police is working day and night to catch the attacker but till now he is out of the police’s custody. However, now a new revelation has come to light during the investigation. According to the report, the suspect who attacked had allegedly changed his clothes to avoid getting caught. CCTV footage from Saif’s house and Lucky Hotel area of Bandra has revealed that the suspect had changed his appearance after the incident. Currently, Mumbai Police has formed more than 35 teams to catch the accused. According to the information received from Mumbai Police, the suspect who attacked has been seen between Bandra Police Station and Railway Station in Mumbai. Till 8 am, the suspect was roaming in Bandra area but the police could not arrest him.
The police are surprised as to how the suspect entered Saif Ali Khan’s building despite security guards being deployed at both the entry points. At the time of the attack, the suspect was wearing a mask and cap, while while leaving the building, he removed it, which is raising questions about his intentions. 40 to 50 people questioned: Till now the police has questioned 40 to 50 people in the case of attack on Saif Ali Khan. Their statements have also been recorded, most of the people questioned are acquaintances of Saif. Police has also questioned Saif’s staff today. The attacker came barefoot and came down wearing shoes: According to the report, the attacker who attacked Saif Ali entered his house barefoot while while running away he came down wearing shoes. Three things are visible in the new CCTV footage of the attacker, on which the police’s needle of suspicion is now pointed. First is that the person who attacked Saif went upstairs barefoot while while running away he came down wearing shoes, second thing is that when he was going upstairs, his bag looks full (inflated) while while running away the bag looks empty. Police is looking for the second piece of the knife: Big news has also come out regarding the knife that was used in the attack on Saif Ali Khan. Police has included that piece of knife in its investigation, which was found stuck in Saif’s back. This piece of knife is more than two and a half inches long, about which doctors said that Saif survived by just two mm, otherwise this piece of knife would have got stuck in Saif’s spine. However, the police is yet to find the other piece of this knife. That is, the part of the knife with which the attacker attacked.