Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan is recovering at Mumbai’s Lilavati Hospital after being stabbed multiple times during an early morning attack at his Bandra residence on Thursday. The actor, 54, sustained injuries to his neck, stomach, and back during the assault by an intruder.
The auto-rickshaw driver who rushed Khan to the hospital, Bhajan Singh Rana, recounted the dramatic incident to ABP News. “As soon as he got into my rickshaw, his first question was, ‘Kitna time lagega (How long will it take) to reach the hospital?’” said Rana.
He said that when they reached Lilavati Hospital, there was a guard standing at the entrance. It was only then that he realised who was in his auto. “He (Saif) said, call him (the guard) quickly, ‘Main Saif Ali Khan hoon (I am Saif Ali Khan)’. A stretcher was brought, and he got on it,” he said.
The attack took place around 2:30 am on Thursday at Khan’s Bandra residence. The actor intervened when he heard a scuffle in his son Jeh’s room and saw the attacker assault his son’s nanny. Khan sustained six stab wounds, including two deep cuts on his back and a minor injury on his neck. His team later confirmed that the actor was “out of danger.”