Aam Aadmi Party has accused Delhi Police of not allowing the screening of the documentary made on former Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. At the same time, Delhi Police has also issued a statement rejecting the allegations.
Delhi Assembly Election 2025:Aam Aadmi Party has accused Delhi Police of not allowing the screening of a ‘documentary’ made on former Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. The party has claimed that the screening of the documentary had to be canceled due to lack of permission by Delhi Police. Let us tell you that the screening of this documentary was to be held at Pyarelal Bhawan at around 12 noon. According to reports, this documentary showed how the party was running after Arvind Kejriwal went to jail, and what happened after he came out.
‘Unfortunately we have to cancel it’
Informing about the cancellation of the screening, the Aam Aadmi Party said, ‘We regret to inform you that the Delhi Police has refused permission for the screening of the documentary being released by us today. Unfortunately we have to cancel it, but we will reschedule it and we will release it at any cost. We will keep you informed about this. Sorry for the inconvenience.’ Delhi Police has also issued a statement on the allegations of Aam Aadmi Party.
‘This would be a violation of the guidelines’
At the same time, Delhi Police has rejected the allegations made by the Aam Aadmi Party and said that no permission was taken from the DEO office for this event. Delhi Police said, ‘Since the elections have been declared, political parties will have to apply for permission through the single window system at the DEO office (ie DM office). This is a standard procedure during elections. No such permission was taken for the said event and hence it would be a violation of the guidelines. We urge all parties to follow election rules and regulations at this time.