Apart from former IG Zahur Zaidi, the court has convicted Manoj Joshi, Rajinder Singh, Deep Chand Sharma, Mohan Lal, Surat Singh, Rafi Mohammad, Ranjit Stata.
Shimla: Chandigarh’s CBI court has given its verdict in the case of death in police custody of a 16-year-old minor accused of gang rape in Kotkhai in 2017. The court has convicted 8 policemen including the then IG Zahur Haider Zaidi in this case. Negi, an officer and former Shimla SP, was acquitted. Apart from former IG Zahur Zaidi, the court has convicted Manoj Joshi, Rajinder Singh, Deep Chand Sharma, Mohan Lal, Surat Singh, Rafi Mohammad, Ranjit Stata. Incident: On July 4, 2017, a 16-year-old girl went missing from Kotkhai area and on July 6, her body was found in Halela forests. Rape was confirmed in the post mortem. The accused in this case died in police custody. Now the court has declared the accused policemen guilty. Sentence in this case will be pronounced on January 27