Arvind Kejriwal was attacked while campaigning in New Delhi Assembly. AAP sources have given this information and have accused BJP leader Pravesh Verma. According to sources, Pravesh Verma’s goons also clashed with local people. Local people chased away the BJP goons. A video of the incident has surfaced in which a stone is seen falling on Arvind Kejriwal’s car. Arvind Kejriwal was attacked door to door in the New Delhi Assembly constituency when he was campaigning. Aam Aadmi Party says that stones have been thrown at Arvind Kejriwal.
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Aam Aadmi Party tweeted and wrote that due to fear, BJP got its goons to attack Arvind Kejriwal. While campaigning, the goons of BJP candidate Pravesh Verma attacked Arvind Kejriwal with bricks and stones and tried to hurt him so that he could not campaign. BJP people, Kejriwal ji is not afraid of your cowardly attack, the people of Delhi will give you a befitting reply.
Pravesh Verma said this
On the allegation of attack on Arvind Kejriwal’s convoy by Aam Aadmi Party, BJP candidate from New Delhi Assembly seat Pravesh Verma says, “Arvind Kejriwal’s car has moved ahead, crushing the BJP worker. The worker’s leg (BJP) is broken. And I am going to Lady Hardinge Medical College to inquire about her health…This is very shameful…”