A shameful video has emerged from the Uttarayan fair held in Uttarakhand. In this video, two youths can be clearly seen baking roti with spit. The police have arrested both the accused. The police is investigating the matter.
Cases of baking roti with spit were continuously coming to the fore in Uttar Pradesh. Now similar cases have started coming to the fore in Uttarakhand as well. The latest case is of Uttarayan Mela. Here a video of spitting on roti in a hotel has gone viral. Taking cognizance of this video, Uttarakhand Police has registered a case and arrested two accused. Police presented both these accused in the court on Saturday afternoon, from where they have been sent to jail.
Police is investigating the matter. According to the police, a hotel businessman living in Rampur district of Uttar Pradesh has set up a shop in Uttarayan Mela. The video going viral on social media is of this hotel. In this video, one youth is rolling roti and the other is baking it in the tandoor. During this, both the accused are talking to each other and spitting on the roti before putting it in the tandoor. According to the police, the accused have been identified as Shaukat and Firasat.
The accused have been sent to Almora jail
The police have identified both the accused on the basis of the video and have registered a case against them. According to the police, both the accused have been produced in the court and sent to Almora jail. If needed, during the investigation of the case, they will be brought on police custody remand and questioned. According to Superintendent of Police Chandrashekhar Ghodke, action has been taken against both the accused on the basis of the viral video on social media.
The accused are residents of Rampur in UP
Some people have also given a complaint in Bageshwar Kotwali in this regard. He told that as soon as the complaint was received, the police got the video investigated. In this, the accused have been identified as 30-year-old Shaukat son of Aamir and 25-year-old Firasat son of Liaqat, residents of Rampur. A case has been registered against both of them under sections of disturbing communal harmony.