BJP spokesperson Shahzad Poonawala said that Priyanka Gandhi is saying that people tremble on seeing Rahul Gandhi. I also agree with this. Congress people tremble a lot. They tremble so much that they have requested Rahul Gandhi not to give speeches in Delhi, otherwise you will start winning. People of his own party tremble at him.
This is what Priyanka said
Congress MP Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, while addressing the Jai Bapu, Jai Ambedkar, Jai Samvidhaan rally in Belgaum, Karnataka, said that in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, the people of the country taught BJP a lesson. That is why Modi ji is scared. When he went to Parliament after the elections, he touched the Constitution to his forehead. On the other hand, Rahul Gandhi fights for the Constitution every day, he is even ready to give his life for it. That is why this government is afraid of Rahul Gandhi. It trembles on seeing him. This is the reason why many cases have been registered against him.