In a shocking turn of events, Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, husband of actress Kareena Kapoor Khan, was reportedly stabbed six times during a burglary attempt at his Bandra residence in Mumbai. Reports suggest that the incident occurred late Wednesday night when an unidentified intruder broke into the actor’s home.
According to a statement by the Mumbai Police, the suspect entered Saif’s residence at approximately 2:30 am and got into a heated argument with a member of the household staff. When Saif intervened to de-escalate the situation, the intruder attacked him, leaving the actor with six injuries. Among these, two were severe, with one dangerously close to his spine.
The assailant fled the scene immediately after the attack, prompting the authorities to launch a thorough investigation. A senior IPS officer confirmed that the Mumbai crime branch is conducting a parallel probe to track down the perpetrator. Meanwhile, the police have registered an FIR and are working to identify and apprehend the suspect.
Saif was rushed to Lilavati Hospital, where Dr. Niraj Uttamani, the hospital’s COO, revealed that the actor underwent surgery to address his injuries. “The extent of the damage will only be clear after the operation,” he said, adding that the actor’s condition is being closely monitored.
Many big stars of the industry have also reacted to this incident. Stars like Pooja Bhatt, Imtiaz Ali and Junior NTR have prayed for Saif’s speedy recovery. Raveena Tandon recently posted a long post. She said that it is very easy to target celebrities because they are very soft targets. She also questioned the security of Mumbai. She said that even Bandra is not safe now.