Mumbai Police has arrested the main accused who attacked Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan. During interrogation, shocking details regarding the name of the accused have come to light. It is being told that the accused who attacked Saif has not one or two but many names. Now the police is trying to find out what is the real name of the accused.
Mumbai Police has arrested the main accused who attacked Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan. The police caught the accused from the bushes near the labor camp near Hiranandani Estate in Thane. The police have taken the accused into custody and are interrogating him. However, the accused is constantly changing his name. Till now he has told his four names. What is the real name of the person who attacked Saif? According to the police, the main accused who attacked Saif Ali Khan is from West Bengal and worked in a bar in Thane. After being caught, he confessed to the police that he was the one who entered Saif and Kareena’s house and attacked Saif with a knife.
The investigation has revealed surprising information regarding the name of the accused. It is being told that the attacker has not one or two, but many names. During police interrogation, he is still giving his names as Bijoy Das, Vijay Das, Mohammad Ilyas and BJ. Police say that the accused is repeatedly changing his name. Efforts are being made to know the real name.
A suspect was arrested from Chhattisgarh. Earlier on Saturday, a suspect related to the attack was detained by the police from Durg in Chhattisgarh. Police had also detained two people from Mumbai. The two suspects caught on Saturday are also being interrogated. Kareena got scared due to the attack on Saif. Kareena got scared due to the attack on her husband Saif. The actress had recorded her statement with the police two days ago. Kareena had told the police- When the attack happened, Saif had sent the children and women to the 12th floor. Saif tried to save women and children. When Saif intervened, the attacker could not reach Jahangir (Saif-Kareena’s younger son). Kareena had also told that jewelery was kept in the open in the house, but the attacker did not steal anything. At the time of the attack, the accused was very aggressive and attacked Saif with a knife several times. I was terrified by the incident, so Karishma (sister) took me to her home. What happened on the night of the attack on Saif? An unknown person had entered Saif Ali Khan’s house at around 2 am on January 16 and started arguing with the maid present there. When Saif Ali Khan came after hearing the voice, the actor got into a scuffle with the man while trying to save his family. The accused attacked the actor with a knife in anger. It is being told that the attacker had stabbed Saif six times with a knife, due to which he was badly injured.
The children’s nanny was also injured in this attack. After the attacker ran away, Saif himself went to Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai in an auto with Taimur. A piece of the knife was stuck near the actor’s spine, which was surgically removed by the doctors of Lilavati Hospital. It is a matter of relief that Saif is now out of danger. Fans are praying for his speedy recovery.
The police have got a big success in the attack on actor Saif Ali Khan. The police have arrested an accused related to this case from Thane. The name of the accused is Mohammad Aaliyaan alias BJ.