Prayagraj: The fire that broke out at the Prayagraj Mahakumbh Mela 2025 in Uttar Pradesh has been brought under control. The fire brigade team that reached the spot extinguished the fire. The camp caught fire due to a cylinder blast. Due to strong winds, the fire spread from one tent to another. In this fire incident, it has been reported that 25 tents were burnt to ashes. However, it is being claimed that about 200 tents of Naga ascetics were engulfed by the fire. As soon as the information about the fire incident was received, the NDRF and SDRF team reached the spot. Success was achieved in controlling the fire. Due to the fire, smoke and water are visible in the area of Sector 19. At the same time, it is being reported that this fire broke out from the camp of Geeta Press.
PM Modi took information
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has taken information about the fire incident during Mahakumbh 2025. He called CM Yogi Adityanath and got information about the incident. He asked about the fire incident in Mahakumbh. CM Yogi Adityanath gave detailed information about his presence in the Mahakumbh fair and the fire incident. The PM was also told that the fire has been controlled. There has been no loss of life or property in this. The PM has also been informed about this.